Registration for the next RCIA journey (2025 to 2026) in English (for baptism at Easter 2026) is now open.

RCIA begins with The Search @ SAC from 4th February to 18th March 2025 and will then continue on 25th March 2025 (Tuesday) at 8 PM in St. Joaquim’s Hall (4th Level). Thereafer, it is on every Tuesday at the same time and at the same place.
Please submit the completed registration form at the Parish Secretariat Office or email to sac.pastoral@catholic.org.sg by 21st January 2025.
Open to non-Catholics, Baptised Christians and newly Baptised Catholics. Invite your non-Catholic friends to come!
We are also looking for Sponsors. Please email Brandon (sac.pastoral@catholic.org.sg) with your contact details to indicate your interest.
Please download the registration forms from the following links:

Registration Form for non-Catholics and Baptised Christians

Registration form for Baptised Catholics


The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) is not just a programme; it is a journey. It is a journey that one makes with the Catholic community in search of God. It is open both to Catholics and non-Catholics.

For Catholics, it is an excellent opportunity to rediscover the beauty and the heritage of their own faith. As for non-Catholics, RCIA presents to them an in-depth study of the Catholic faith with no obligation to be baptised. Baptism is a deeply personal commitment to Jesus and so no one will be forced into baptism. It is a free and personal decision.

Some of the topics include God, Father, Trinity, Jesus, Holy Spirit, Mary, Communion of Saints, Popes, Church Councils, Church History, Bible, Sacraments and many more. There will also be days of prayer and retreat. And, of course, there will be days of fun and fellowship.

After RCIA, your life will never be the same again. Come! Sign up IMMEDIATELY! Better still, bring a friend along. Catholics and non-Catholics – all are welcome!

“Go, therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.” Matt 28:19