Ministry to the Sick


There are many Catholics in our Parish who are homebound and unable to come for Mass in church. They range from the young to those in their advanced years and their inability to do so is primarily because they are ill or are physically unable to leave their homes. Some are also at the end stage of their lives. 

As a result, they are unable to receive the Sacraments that able-bodied Catholics are blessed with.

The Ministry to the Sick (MttS) at St Anne’s Parish had its beginnings in 2007 and continues to offer pastoral care to these brothers and sisters of ours, to assure them, whom we call Communicants, that the Church has not forgotten them. Since 2022, we’ve also started organising Mass for the Sick at least once a year so our less mobile brothers and sisters may be assisted to come to church to attend Mass and receive the Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick.

In our work with the sick, Members of MttS walk with them on their faith journey as Christians, making sure they are spiritually nourished with the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ in the Most Blessed Sacrament (Holy Eucharist). We also ensure they have access to other Sacraments, especially Anointing of the Sick and Confession. 

As St Anne’s is the closest parish to Sengkang General Hospital, we also try to extend this pastoral care to Catholics who have been admitted there and request for the Sacraments. Our Ministry to the Sick is part of the Church’s Corporeal and Spiritual Works of Mercy that are found in the teachings of Christ, who cared for the sick and abandoned, especially the lepers.  In spite of their illness, our sick brothers and sisters still have much to offer to those who take the time to visit, listen to and comfort them.

If you are aware of any ill parishioners who are homebound and unable to go for Mass in church, please contact the parish secretariat to request for MttS assistance for them. And if you are moved to be part of this important work at St Anne’s, please do contact the parish secretariat for more information on how to join us and we will get in touch with you.