Infant Baptism Ministry

Baptism is one of the seven sacraments of the Catholic Church and marks the beginning of the Christian journey. It is an important milestone in the life of a Catholic and a significant moment of grace. Infant baptism, in particular, is a cherished tradition in the Church, as it symbolizes the welcoming of a new faithful into the Catholic community.

The Infant Baptism Ministry in St. Anne’s Church is a vital part of the Church’s mission to spread the Good Word and bring young souls closer to Christ. It is through this ministry that parents, godparents, and the community of faithful pledge to guide and support the newly baptized child in their spiritual journey.

The Catholic Church teaches that baptism is necessary for salvation, and that through it, the recipient receives forgiveness of original sin, becomes a member of the Church, and receives the Holy Spirit. Infant baptism is not only a joyous occasion but also an essential part of the faith journey.

The Infant Baptism Ministry helps with the preparation of parents and godparents through a baptismal orientation class to ensure they understand the significance of the sacrament and the responsibilities that come with raising their child in the faith. Godparents, who act as spiritual mentors, must also be prepared and willing to fulfil their role in guiding the child in the faith.

The baptism ceremony involves the pouring of water over the infant’s head, accompanied by the Trinitarian formula of “I baptize you in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.” This act symbolizes the washing away of original sin and the welcoming of the child into the Christian community.

The ministry doesn’t stop after the ceremony. It also involves the ongoing support and guidance of parents and godparents in raising the child in accordance to the Catholic faith. This includes regular attendance at Mass, participation in the sacraments, and the passing on of Catholic traditions and teachings.

Through the preparation of parents and godparents, the baptism ceremony itself, and the ongoing support and guidance, the Church strives to guide and nurture the child in their faith journey in Jesus Christ.


To register, kindly download the Application Form, complete the information and submit it back to the Parish Office at least 2 weeks before Baptism. Late submission will be considered for the next Baptism Service.

Infant Baptism Ministry comprises of Catholic parents who prepare parents and godparents for infant baptism by sharing their faith, responsibilities, lives, and experiences during the preparation session before the infants are baptized.

Baptism Rite

Infant Baptism in St Anne’s Church is held on the 2nd Sunday of every even month at 1.30pm in the Main Church Hall. **

Preparation Briefing

Compulsory Preparatory Class for all Parents and Godparents on the Friday before Baptism at 7.45pm in St Anne’s Hall (3rd Floor). **

** No limit on number of infants per Baptism session. 

Please Note

  • Please register early for Infant Baptism.
  • Registration forms are available outside the General Office or can be downloaded
  • All forms and documents required must be submitted to the Secretary 2 weeks before baptism.
  • Applications with incomplete forms or documents will not be accepted.
  • Attendance for preparatory session is compulsory for parents and godparents.
