Devotion to the Divine Mercy involves a total commitment to God as Mercy. It is a decision to trust completely in Him, to accept His mercy with thanksgiving, and to be merciful as He is merciful.
Come and join us in this devotion every Wednesday after the evening 6.15pm mass in the Church. In May and Oct it is after the Rosary. Sacred Heart Devotion every First Friday of the month after 7.30 pm Mass.
God is Love and His is the Kingdom of Love.
God is merciful to us, and forgives us because of His self-emptying Love for us.
The devotion to the Divine Mercy is all about the immense forgiving love of God for us, and His great longing to see us back in His arms. We closed our doors to him and his love through our sins. Jesus paid the highest ransom for us through His blood to set us free once again. This goes all the way back to Calvary, when the soldier pierced Jesus with a lance and blood and water gushed out and He gave us His all.
The special mission of invoking the Divine Mercy in atonement for our sins was given to an obscure, uneducated Polish nun – St Faustina. Pope John Paul the II (often referred to as the Mercy Pope), instituted the Feast of the Divine Mercy on the following Sunday after Easter. He encouraged this devotion greatly. The extraordinary and overwhelming response of the people to the Divine Mercy Devotion points out, that now is the time for mercy.
Here are some aspects of the Divine Mercy Devotion:
- Veneration of the picture with the signature ‘Jesus I trust in you.’
- The significance of the prayer at the hour of grace at 3 pm (the time Jesus died on the cross for us).
- The chaplet and the promises Jesus attached to it.
- Works of mercy: Faith without action is useless. Therefore we are called to do corporal and spiritual works of mercy along with the devotion
- A picture is worth more than a thousand words. The sacred Image has many mystical symbolisms, which helps us to focus on God and his mercy and to go to God in trust.
- Jesus has stored great promises on this devotion. We can understand the magnitude when he says, “Even if a hardened sinner recites the Chaplet with a contrite heart, he will receive the graces of conversion”.
- ABC’s of Mercy: Ask for mercy; Be merciful; and Complete Trust in Jesus
“Be merciful as your Father is merciful” (Lk 6:36). Jesus taught that man not only receives and experiences the mercy of God, but that he is also called “to practice mercy” towards others.
“Blessed are the merciful, for they shall obtain mercy” (Mt 5:7). Man attains to the merciful love of God. His mercy is to the extent that he himself is interiorly transformed in the Spirit of that Love towards his neighbour.